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Old 10-01-04, 01:30 PM   #1
Ya mom massages my nuts
Triple_N's Avatar
Posts: 1,991
From: Queens, NY
The Whole Truth an nothing but the truth(the RV True hollywood story)


Ok this I wanted to avoid but the public outcry for the facts has become overwhelming so I will give the full story in detail....Whole Truth an nothing but the truth.

I am not gay...I am a honest to god pimp<---dats what I do, I manipulate women's mentality to get what I want from them, so people might dislike me for that but I am good at it so I stay with it.

Now, Tha Q surprisingly enough is like a innocent, sensitive, female once u get to know him, not a joke...its fact. So it made it easy for me to bitch him. If u don't believe jus read this IM...proof of my skillz is....look how he first IMed me, he was pissed then look how it finished...lmfao....I bitched him!!!Every nice thing, every sorry I said was a lie..only truthful thing I said was my paragraph on why I bitched him.......

Now he's so obsessed with me that he made a almost identical AIM name to mine...I am TripleN4554......he's digit difference...he posted a thread where he tricked denied truth with that AIM but strobe moved it but u can ask these people for confirmation that its him....

Denied Truth
They all know bout him impersonating read this AIM to see the real reason why Q's to see how it really happened...I have not changed anything in this AIM...jus blocked out number thats it...the rest is exactly as it was typed..........Note: that this is the IM that occured back in august when he first posted that Audio of me an this is what caused him to remove it an DELETED IT FROM HIS CPU<----Bitched this FAG!!!!

However I did make 1 mistake an that was speaking to him on ths phone..I thought we was gonna do music(yea he claimed he was gonna make a mixtape)...Funny thing is he says I am so wack now but back then he was begging me to be on his lil mixtape....what a coincidence(thats how he got those vocals on his diss, their from the mixtape we was suppose to do) I really didn't care much bout spitting with him but he had this nigga named twan he was nice an I wanted to work with him but I had to go thru Q to collab wit him so I spoke wit him but him an twan had a arguement an stop talking like right after I gave the number an now I had a useless fag calling me but anyway read the IM

P.S....I put all his posts in bold so y'all can tell difference

TripleN4555: Hi daddy
TripleN4554: wassup
TripleN4555: haha...nothing
TripleN4554: tight
TripleN4554: so I see u using my IM now?
TripleN4555: lol...sorry, some chic you know got out of line...and I had to put her back in her place.
TripleN4554: oh wow dats nice
TripleN4555: not really...just dirty work that had to be how are u daddy?
TripleN4554: How long are u going to harass me mike?
TripleN4555: who me? such thing. I just want daddy to punish me.
TripleN4555: i been bad.
TripleN4554: well I am not your daddy so I think u got wrong person
TripleN4555: sorry...i thought u were...but u can still punish me...all that dick u sure i can find a place for it
TripleN4554: Come on now I have not bothered you at all, and u have shitting on me for past couple days, I do not wish to have any problems
TripleN4555: hmmm...but I want what's between your legs soooo bad Mike...yes...that would be me...I'm sooo whipped...and I get soo horny thinkin bout it
TripleN4554: well I am sorry but I am a fully heterosexual male so I can't help you
TripleN4555: LOL
TripleN4554: I am being serious
TripleN4555: that's laughable...convince yourself...yea...everyone is str8...u didn't know that
TripleN4555: lol
TripleN4554: no I didn't know dat
TripleN4555: lol...cuz if ur str8...everyone is
TripleN4555: lol
TripleN4554: all I know is I am strait
TripleN4555: but mike...let's get something clear here...ur talking to me...not some stranger...and I know the real deal...why have I been shitting on u? cuz I don't like u...I despise u...I fully hate u and u so-called heterosexual ass...thoroughly...
TripleN4555: with a passion.
TripleN4554: ok hate me
TripleN4555: and I want the whole world to see how fake u are
TripleN4554: ok do dat I will still retain my dignity in silence
TripleN4555: dignity in silence?...more like Guilt in silence...ur so str8...then why do i have this?
TripleN4555: why do have that?
TripleN4554: becuz I thought that we could be friends jus cuz your gay doesn't mean we couldn't talk....a number doesn't mean we have to fuck
TripleN4555: lol...of course a number doesn't mean we have to fuck...but I recall one night on AOL when we use a mic to talk over the net...what was the nature of that conversation Mike...if you remember?
TripleN4554: That is irrelevant becuz it didn't lead to anything
TripleN4555:'s quite relevant
TripleN4554: and I had recorded that for a gurl previously and jus sent the file
TripleN4555: how many str8 men talk about doing sexual acts on another man?
TripleN4555: hmmmm
TripleN4555: ne're delusional...u don't have to call urself anything...but u and I both know what the deal was
TripleN4555: so quit ur faking...I'm not one of these idiots online who believes ur bull shit...I was there for it
TripleN4554: well u dislike me so be it but why do u continue to harass me?....why can't we just move on?
TripleN4555: because ur walkin around that board like ur shit don't Im some schizo who imagined all that talk we had...and I'm not crazy...i know what I said and what you said over the course of 3 months...
TripleN4554: I never mentioned u on the board so what are u talking about
TripleN4554: u the one that is publicizing it, when u hang up on me the last time we spoke that was the end of it for me, it became a afterthought
TripleN4554: why waste so much time and energy on me when u said I was nothing important?
TripleN4555: ur right about one is an extreme use/waste of energy just to 'prove a point'...on that front, you're right...but, on the other hand, I just didn't like how the shit went down...u don't just talk to someone for 3 months, tell them what they want to hear, block their IMS, and think they gonna just live happily ever after...maybe some people can...and I will me...but I didn't realize things were as bad as u said they were...and hoped to get to know was so way...doesn't matter anymore...more fish in the sea...and I got friends who appreciate me for me
TripleN4555: and I shouldn't have taken your actions so personally...but I did...Im a human...SUE ME
TripleN4554: nah I have no ill feeling towards you and if u want to continue to clown me on rv its your right to do so I haven't retaliated in the past and I won't now and I ain't leaving the board cuz of it neither, I wish u the best I hope u find someone that is right for you and I hope your new job takes you far in life
TripleN4555: yea...that's fine...but I want you to know that I know the real you and I know what we talked about...u can't deny me way...I can't say I wish the same for you...I am strong...and resilient...and none of this shit will matter in the long run any's just unfortunate to continue to run into people whose idea of friendship is to USE YOU for cool edit advice, or so you put it...that is devastating mike...and it would be to's just not right...but I gotta put this in God's hands now...cuz it's something that is effecting me
TripleN4555: Ur out of my SIG...shit ain't worth it...
TripleN4554: Well I am truly sorry for hurting you, I said it out of haste and anger, at the time I was upset u are right that was a hurtful thing to say and I truly apologize....u didn't deserve that
TripleN4555: aiight...i took that stuff out of my sig.
TripleN4554: well thank you
TripleN4555: I didn't do it for you. I did it for myself...
TripleN4554: I am not demanding but humbling asking could u please take that link in songs out?.....if not well so be it but if so I would really appreciate it
TripleN4555: u got some nerve. u don't care about anybody but urself.
TripleN4555: it stays.
TripleN4555: but no more from this point on.
TripleN4554: I honestly apologizes to you several times but if u still feel the need to use it then so be it, but regardless of wheter or not u remove it I am truly sorry
TripleN4555: I wish I knew how to do that...lie and manipulate for months on end...then turn around and be sorry...that is almost scary
TripleN4555: but...i was born with a i can't do that...i wear all my emotions...
TripleN4555: u don't have to guess with me.
TripleN4554: I had no idea that u had any emotion towards
TripleN4555: um...i met my best friend mark online...we've been friends for 7's quite possible...I'm not one to make assumptions because that can lead to disappointment. I was only going off of what I was told...
TripleN4554: well what exactly did u expect of our associatiion?
TripleN4555: how about I tell you what I was told.
TripleN4555: that would be the basis for my expectations
TripleN4554: ok
TripleN4554: I am listening
TripleN4555: ok...
TripleN4555: I was told #1 that we could possibly, not def., possibly meet, I was lookin forward to that...2--We exchanged numbers and talked...that usually means peeps are getting to know...3...We had more than 1 convo during which I asked if I could do certain things if we met...and u said, those were my expectations...No relationship...Just friendship wit possibl physical connection
TripleN4554: well I apoligize for misleading you I was wrong for dat, and I hope someday u can find someway to forgive me for my sins
TripleN4555: if u mislead me, why did u do it?...
TripleN4555: and why mislead me in the first place?
TripleN4554: ok u want me to be totally honest?
TripleN4555: sure...
TripleN4554: ok let me explain
TripleN4554: Now I know all this is wrong but u deserve an explanation, when I first started talking to u I was intrigued becuz I had never spoken to a openly gay person before and it interested me then when I started getting bored with it u said we was gon do a mixtape together so I got all excited cuz I figured there could be some money coming my way if I continued to associate with u but then u trashed it and I couldn't think of a polite way to drop you but then I started to listen to some of the files u sent me and the sound effects u had I wanted but I knew I couldn't get all your secrets at once so I continued misleading you then I realize that the quality of your audios were way better than mine so once again u had something that I needed but I went and bought the manual for cool edit myself and then u gave my sites for effects so u were no longer useful too me and I just found the first thing I could to knitpick at and used as a reason to discontinue association
TripleN4554: I am sorry and I was a asshole but it is a character defect I guess
TripleN4555: wow...that's was a mouthful...dunno what to say to that other than if u wanted cool edit advice, i would have given it to u...Im not an expert on it...Im not even a rapper...jus some naive person online who would think someone could actually be interested in me for me...but...that's the way life goes...I know I am an interesting, I'm not hurt by that...i just don't understand how and why you would allow me to talk nasty to u thinkin something that could never happen
TripleN4554: yea it was wrong I did mislead cuz I honestly had no intent of visiting u so I have been openly honest about the fact that I am a jerk and a manipulative user so I hope u can forgive me for dat, I wanted to avoid this but it had to be said so it was I am sorry
TripleN4555: it really makes u mistrustful of Who else is just using me for some selfish reason
TripleN4554: well don't let me make u think everyone is like me, cuz most people are nice and ginuine and I prey on people like dat its wrong I know but I am just a low person
TripleN4555: oh, i realize there are plenty of good people in the world...and I've met many myself...dunno wut to say bout all goes on...Time for me to toughen up and not trust any body but myself...
TripleN4554: well even though everything I have told u in the past has been a lie, I am truly sorry, truly sorry
TripleN4555: ya well...that's life I guess...
TripleN4554: I am a believer that everything happens for a reason, and I know we both took something from this experience
TripleN4555: well I think you did more of the taking...I did more of the observing...but I am strong...and I know for a fact that I can not trust my own judgment with certain people...sometimes the Lil head gets in the way of te Big head.
TripleN4554: well I am sorry for what happened is there anything else u wanna know?
TripleN4555: nothing that can fix this situation or take away my, I guess not...
TripleN4554: ok well once again I apologize for what happened and I wish u the there anything else left to speak on?
TripleN4555: u me me a fool...but, I love u. I realize those feelings aren't shared. But, that doesn't take away from how I feel. I always follow my heart, maybe to a fault. And, I know that the best thing to do is cut off ties with you...cuz I got more to lose. You can view me any way you want...but at least I'm human...with a heart and feelings...and that's all I gotta say.
TripleN4554: wait a minute after all this u love me?
TripleN4555: u covers a multitude of wrong doing...and love is blind...Iono...I believe in following the heart...cuz the heart is never wrong...
TripleN4554: wait a minute I am confused, what are u trying to say?
TripleN4555: iono man...i just know that in my heart i have love for you...dats all...and i always trust my feelings...
TripleN4554: but u are suppose to hate me
TripleN4555: yea also supposed to be rich and famous with a Bentley rollin on 22s
TripleN4555: lol...aint happenin
TripleN4554: this is very confusing to me, so what are u saying?...I mean why share this wit me?
TripleN4555: iono man...maybe i really am insane...but i got nothing to lose...why hide my true heart says i got love for u...and i know when I feel that way it's tellin da truth...i dunno what to expect...u prolly think im insane...dats coo...but i wanted u to know...
TripleN4554: but why u want me to know that?
TripleN4555: maybe u'd find it in ur heart to maybe...i don't know what i wanted man...
TripleN4554: so maybe I'd what?
TripleN4555: iono...maybe say U understand or maybe say...Alright and that u wanted to do those things that we used to talk about...or anything...friends...don't know...Im crazy i know...a's coo...
TripleN4555: jus wanted u to I'll have no regrets now
TripleN4554: I am stunned I mean you have been bashing me on i net and calling the crib and I understood u were upset but u just turned my thinking upside down
TripleN4555: no excuses for that...I overreacted...dats my character flaw...but it don't make me a bad guy...I apologize for disrespectin ur household...but my heart said fight for how I felt...i just wasn't all that honest about my feelings until now cuz I ain't want u thinkin Im insane...but u know what, u only live once and I will have no regrets
TripleN4554: u know if u had told me u felt that back then this coulda been much different but your timing is horrible
TripleN4555: i understand.
TripleN4554: but are u serious?
TripleN4555: im as serious as I could ever be about it.
TripleN4554: I mean wow, I don't know what to astounds me that u could even like me let alone love me after what I did, now I feel like a piece of shit
TripleN4555: well...i can be difficult at going through a rough time in my life...I have no right to take it out on people I care for or who care/cared for me...for that I apologize...but, I guess I'm asking for another shot. This time, I'll get it right, I promise.
TripleN4554: man trust me u don't want me
TripleN4555: why u say dat?
TripleN4554: Cuz u are a deep feeler and I am repressed and shallow
TripleN4555: opposites attract...both of us can't be deep or shallow...Yin goes with Yang...peanut butter with jelly
TripleN4555: lol...sorry
TripleN4554: well I am much too immature to be in a caring relationship and I would end up hurting u again and now I feel so bad that I don't want to do that again
TripleN4555: i was thinking more along the lines of friendship...maybe more...but Im not a relationship type
TripleN4555: dunno...maybe Im afraid of them
TripleN4555: so I sabotage them...but I understand how you feel and I can respect that.
TripleN4554: I can't understand how u can love me, that is amazing u are a rare person
TripleN4555: i told covers a multitude of heart doesn't lie to I listen...and it says give it a try...and I I don't have any regrets...:-)
TripleN4555: and ur not as insensitive as u think u are.
TripleN4554: I can't lie u touched me with that
TripleN4555: wish I could touch something else...but like the commercial says...U CAN'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT! lol
TripleN4554: well now I have to know can u forgive me?
TripleN4555: yea...I can...
TripleN4554: thank you, now u have released my soul, man I ono about this tho
TripleN4555: bout what
TripleN4555: released my soul? Isn't that from Scary movie 3?
TripleN4555: LOL
TripleN4554: no its a superstitution my family has, I was taught to always own up to my wrongdoings
TripleN4555: ok
TripleN4554: but I ono about us I am distrusting and I am fearful that u are using this to get back at me somehow
TripleN4555: nah...the last thing on my mind...I can't play with my own emotions like that...
TripleN4554: ummmm I am speechless
TripleN4555: i understand...well, im jus glad to have gotten all of that off my chest for good now...u know how i feel...
TripleN4554: yes I do and I thank you for sharing that with me, it really changed my perception of you now a lot of the things u did make sense
TripleN4555: aiight
TripleN4554: so now me and u are on good terms?
TripleN4555: as far as I know yes...I hope so
TripleN4554: ok that is good know
TripleN4555: aiight man...well, I gtg..but...I guess I'll see u around.
TripleN4554: yea ok 1
TripleN4555 signed off at 5:52:19 PM.

well now you know, so all you kids stop IMing me asking what the deal is with this shit...its fucking if u still wanna think I'm gay, go right ahead...I'll be in some pussy tonite laughing at you
Haters spend all they time hating on another's life
Then wonder why when presenting there's to one looks twice
Because at the end of the day, you get what you give
So, when you consumed with his...don't get mad when everyone else is
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