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Old 10-02-04, 03:10 AM   #4
As Seen On T.V.
Posts: 1,498

Scoopin Sexes

*summer flings

guys dont see ya personality, n they spit horn during open season.
they dont want the chick with cash, more like the one thats chokin seman.
its summer, theres no need for a long term chick...ya got options.
can say ya relationship was hard, but its funny how ya rock softens.
ya know the common brake up lines, how they say its just temporary.
or times ya caught in a lie, after kisses ya said ya mint was cherry.
cant forget the baby names...honey, pookie, n Mr. 1 Foot.
or those days ya see ya X at the mall, and ya strain just to give her one look.
well the funs shook. once schools begun theres no more lippin fellas.
highschool hook ups like popcorn, cause the unbuttered ones are gettin jealous.

*highschool sweethearts

every ones got their honey-boo, ya buttercup...ya reeces pieces.
the kinda essays ya writing in class, are only acedimic when hes ya thesis.
the punkers connect, the ghettos collab, and the slums simply whisper.
ya girls around and ya on ya best behavior, but round the homies ya intently diss her.
ya "talk" for hours on ya cell, 'cept conversation depth reaches 100 Hi's.
always can tell ya boy is dissmal, when he approaches sayin, "i love ya eyes".
no wonder why... us girls have our inside jokes.
ask em to ya pad and he thinks hes gettin some, even after i implied "FOLKS".
in the end there all the same, but some wait to have sped the phase.
why do they even ask us out, instead of just trying... "spread ya legs".

only 20, have to go to sleep.
quote your own damn lyrics...
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