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Old 10-02-04, 07:05 PM   #3
Posts: 177
From: North bay

Alright, let's do this 705 baby, X-ON... "Underground shit"

here we go...
X-ON fails to comprhend why he wants to battle with a record of "0-2"?
Parimative player?, dog you a "child" what's your name Braddley who//?
Thomas? blain, no originality that's why I'm a hate to add an other loss/
Cause to rap your the minimum wage worker and i'm the overpaid boss//
There hope for this cat ever here of "GOD LOVES UGLY" from slug?/
Cause I know your a nasty fag from your interest you no thug//
Fuck being optimist, I'm a bring every negative characteritic and put them in fright/
Do yourself and every member a favor and log of this dam fucking site//
And look at yourself, little stewy as your pic wow what a dam baby~/
So i'm a take this battle as if it was a fucking giant bar of "candy~//

1-this kid is a child he is 13.. for real step off.

2-nice name guy.. real original..

3- Slug aka Atmoshpere he had a cd called " God Loves Ugly" and there was a song called " god loves ugly" and befor the song there is a little skit saying how fucking ugly he is.. bla bla.. so in other word you budy..

4- Interest, Track, Cross country, Soccer.. Oh no thug life baby. lol My girls play them sports dog..

5-optomistic is seeing everything positive..

Holla back.. X-on.. " Mind of Vison"...

Yo that's first battle was cheap you didn't deserve to win.. Bitch ass.. your rhymes are so weak. No flow. shit done hommy. this was my verse bitch ass..