Thread: "Sick" Lines...
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Old 10-03-04, 10:26 PM   #5
Posts: 4,917
From: colorado

No no no... This is by far the funniest shit ive seen... Of course yet another vote for Phantom... But read this shit... Instead of saying that his "sick" line was played... He said it was an extremely good punch... I outta beat the fuck out of you bitch... Here is what he wrote...

socrates......some mad hot shit. structure on point all the way thru, gud flow to. punches and personals were there, all hitting hard i think. some real funny ones like the catching 13 viruses line, and the closer about givin handjobs to looch, funny as fuck. original lines were in there, some multis in there, nice complex rhymin in places, other places basic. nice metas to, overall ure verse had basically a bit of everything. OVERALL 9/10
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