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Old 10-04-04, 10:45 PM   #4
Tolerant Level
Tolerant Level's Avatar
Posts: 176

scenarios so weak he be -'sukin caps' while i 'Reload clips'
it dont mean u be 'fukin dick' yah shit be push back like yah head when the bullet hit yah 'ear-lobe quik'
this bitch be havin 'Mental Flaws' yah 'Sentinial calls'
u should give yah 'Dental record' when i boot yah teeth with 'Metal bar-stools'
you should "fear this stranger" u should run but u cant 'hear my danger'
but when i 'stear my anger' yah face will be dintted but ill rip yah 'ear off sir'
u got the worst case 'senario' u be gettin killed in play land like 'super mario'
i see u 'jewish kid' i 'spew yah shit' dont mean u can 'wish for it'
when i 'stomp yah ribs' while the chrom bars ..u be 'coppin some hits'
ill leave yah face 'scared and barred' from reality cause now u been 'alarmed hard' but i still get a 'dis-charged'

aiight good luck bro