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Old 10-05-04, 11:51 PM   #23
Lyrical Prosperity
Mistic-Rogue's Avatar
From: New Zealand

Voted For: teckniquess

Vote goes to Teckniquess!!

Opener: you got da lyrical wordplay of twirked gays,wit hurt legs still runnin/thinkin u can cope wit a nigga from da brigade
well, preety good intro, slightly hard to understand but very good idea and pretty well executed!

yo step up to da stage i break u nose with 1 punch u didnt c it comin i am to fast i wil get my 1st win on u at last ill hit u hard down to tha floor soon it will be past//
beats u to da ground u got things on u head u got nocked out n thats without a dout i will kill u with a few slices ------- u dead drop to tha ground dont try n frown at last//
Very poor opener here, for a start the sentences are far to long and it has no real meaning to it!

Opener goes to teckniquess!!

Flow: teckniquess had very good flow, it was very consistant with sillables and rymes and was well strucured.

Lyrical Madness WTF ARE YOU ON!!! there was 86 words in your first to bars!!!!! you are ment to keep to 12-15 sillables per sentence, your rymes and flow was just wack and becuase of all the extra words, the points of your punches were lost, i have seen some of you other battles and you have good flow and good punches in them, get back to writing like that otherwise you will keep losing!

Flow to teckniquess

Punches to teckniquess, lyrical madness didnt have any stong punches!

no hate to lyrical madness, sorry man this was just a pathertic battle on your half, well done teckniquess, please return the favour by voting on one of the battles below!