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Old 10-08-04, 03:19 PM   #4
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali

i beat all these peoples asses what makes you special?
you good? you got it twisted like a mutha fuckin pretzel
but lemme be real, i like you, your a good little guy
till i split you into peices and tear out your eyes
i wont even come with a punch, leave the next line blank
......................................what you thought i was fake?
man philosophers dont rap, go predict someones future
like your own, and then realize that i already beat you
i cant believe i waste time on herbs, its truly a waste
your rhymes are more shitty then adjectives describin your face
im rich beeotch! and your lines will never contain wealth
so next time in the rules just wish good luck to yourself
you aint freestylin kid! take your ugly ass home
just cuz you play games with your head....
.....dont mean you come off the top of the dome!
just keep it real withyour self, you dont have any hope
i have more people who like me than you have posts
its over, so to finish you off i guess ill only use one word

ehh, vote....