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Old 10-08-04, 10:12 PM   #21
Lyrical Prosperity
Mistic-Rogue's Avatar
From: New Zealand

Voted For: MATTEE1

Im’a eat this mc like never done before,
Bring a whole new meaning to the word herb-ivore,
^^^^makes no sence, herbivore??? you need to rethik this

tha saga continues with these english MC's, man step aside
it'll b like tha QUEEN tryna bust-a-ryhme, it'll hurt ya pride......
^^^not bad,good idea

mattee wins this for the intros

this battle wont b tied, i dont settle 4 nuttin but 1st prize
tha flame i spit out's like MICHAEL MYERS it never dies...........
^^^ good punch!

I should go on web cam so you can see the future,
You cant handle bars not even on a scooter,
^^^^ 50/50

those were th best punches from the verse and matte wins, good battle, please return an honest vote on one of the battles below