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Old 10-09-04, 06:32 PM   #4
The Original Half Ass King
Spektikul's Avatar
Posts: 5,165
From: Canada

Your actin like your "fresh"...when really your rhymes are "stale"
Been "dropped" on this site so much, Ima start callin you "air-male" (mail)
Said you need to find a vaccine, battling me, a choice well chosen
But you ain't got no "flow", your like a "river".. when its frozen
Maybe you could start paying for wins....but then you'd be in debt
Only way "grammatix" could be "ill"....if he threw up the alphabet
If I was to call you "phat", liposuction would be your best attack
Like old Batman shows, your punches are like "boom".."pow".."WACK"
I accepted your callout, waited almost 24 hours..your sure hot son
Your skills are like you tryna get lucky on a "got none"