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Old 10-12-04, 10:33 AM   #369
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Posts: 15

Our world has changed in so many differnet ways
We once loved Our brothers
but that was the good old days
"we didnt start this U did"
thas wat everybodi Denies
we now pay the price of losing our pathetic un-appreciated lives
What good are we when we are scared of one another
when we want to defend our sleves,yet kill everything around us
THe human mind was made with Unforgiving flaws
it will lead us to our deaths
that is our downfall..

united we stand when we have a common foe
divided we fall once its split between us all
We talk big yet we are soo very small..
we are onli dominative of this world because of numbers
dinosaurs were sum how smarter
they were known as raptors

ahh couldnt be stuffed to finish.. ishud be asleep to tired.. head to weari now to think .. soo im gonna go.. hope its alright .. latas..
EaRn Ur Way... ANd ShoW Wat U Got..