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Old 10-12-04, 11:02 PM   #17
Nynth Degree
In ya area.
Posts: 1,479

Voted For: schema

Ok, by now everyone should know I always drop explained votes and all this, but I'm not in the mood for lengthy typing tonite, so I'ma just give it to you straight. Schema won. Xclusive your opener was weak (fart lines are below where you should be at skillwise) and the "maggot" line just didn't make any sense. Good structure and rhyme style, so I can't complain there. Schema, you came with some good lines, even though they didn't really serve as punches. But you made up for it with the last 4 lines. The concept of a "cardboard box fighting a hurricaine" seemed so simple to me that I woulda never even thought it up, but you made it work. And then the closer just made me laugh, 'nuff said.

Return an honest, explained vote to the link in my sig, 'preciate it...
If you consider 4/20 a holiday, you probably smoke more crack than weed.
Originally Posted by C.A.L.I
ninth your a fucking idiot and im purposly spelling your name wrong...

PS, no Sony.