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Old 10-15-04, 01:28 PM   #17
Mask Murderous
Straight Hustla.
Posts: 4,113

it's not that white's arent allowed to have WET it's just hiphop started as BET just like if your from england MOBO awards. MUSIC OF BLACK ORGIN .. RAP = BLACK ORGIN... no argument's dont even try to argue it's stupid......!

if you made WET.. it would be MOWO music of white orgin.. RAP isn't music of white orgin . .

BET isn't racist it just make's sense & NO black rapper's are COMMERICALLY racist .. if 50cent had mixtapes saying "fuck white people" it would have the SAME effect on him that it had ON eminem so dont even try put race into this it's just stupid... . Those million's of racist white , black , asian , latin people... But there underground private unknown.. if you become a celebrity you have to deal with the consequences.

... & to the cat who said EMINEM weren't the first respected white rapper.

The FIRST respected white rapper to become rich and commerical.. dont even mention vanilla ice or beastie boy's they aint rap DO & i will pimp slap you...

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