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Old 10-17-04, 05:53 PM   #23
Nynth Degree
In ya area.
Posts: 1,479

Voted For: Socrates

Must be crazy battling me, and if you dont mind me askin
Why did you step up to the plate...with a spoon and a napkin?
Good creativity here, punch was aight, good opener 3.5/5
Contradictitory fuckin homosexual I mean look at this guy
He' sayin im ass, and wants to eat wonder hes bi!
Good punch here, nice play off his name, 4/5
I'm only commin half ass and still easily break his neck
But hes only mad...cuz he doesnt get the full effect
A little self-glorifying, but even so punch wasn't that hard, 2.5/5
This is a net traveler, been on sites from here to the end
What else do you expect from someone...who doesnt have REAL friends!
Punch was ehh, didn't connect really, 2/5
Just cuz hes from RB he wants everyone to be on him
But for you people jumping on his dick...hes really into bondage.*
Another good play off his name, but the punch just wasn'nt that hard, 2.5/5[/B]
This ugly fuck needs to leave, his face looks like shit
Not only is he early for Halloween...hes the fuckin reason it exists!
Nice personal here, the rhyming was a lil' off, but punch was good, 3/5
Lines 13 and 14 are usless, cuz youre already done with
I'm not even expectin you to aint got a dick to come with!
Punch was good, that's about all there is to this bar, 3/5
Total: 20.5/35

Daughtering this faggot.. his material will never be in demand
He did hold heat once.. when my verse was in his hands.
Self-glorification, not a good opener, 2/5
More suited for Making The Band.. suits ya down to a tee,
Soc could be the biggest urd of all..& still not mean shit to me.
Good wordplay here, punch was just a little above average, 3.5/5
Your nuttin as you'll see.. let me paint you a picture now,
Soc's whole Reps a water color.. the way it just fades out.
Good meta here, but there wasn't much of a punch, 2.5/5
Fuck this bitch up and watch him want me in his crew
Socrates was a amazing battler in his time.. unlike you.
Good personal, punch was aight, 3/5
Your draws are full of girly shit.. you dirty little Quim
This guy was wearing stockings.. so I had to go & Soc' him.
More good wordplay, good punch too, 4/5
A.I is the elite rite? but you're in it & when I come to think..
Fucka Anne Robinson..Ray Charles cud see you're A.I's weakest link
Punch didn't come that hard, line was stretched, 2/5
Enuf of the played shit.. I ain't one to flip concepts
But its to do it to someone who has no respect
Not that good of a closer, punch didn't connect, 1.5/5
Total: 18.5/20

Winner: Socrates with harder punches, although B.I came with some damn good wordplay. Return the vote to a link in my sig, honest explained votes only...
If you consider 4/20 a holiday, you probably smoke more crack than weed.
Originally Posted by C.A.L.I
ninth your a fucking idiot and im purposly spelling your name wrong...

PS, no Sony.