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Old 10-18-04, 04:16 PM   #7
InSaNe KiLlAh
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Posts: 1,402
From: E-Dub

Special Interview: With...B.I.Detained

SmokaJoka666: State your name
B.I.Detained: B.I.Detained a.k.a Brix
SmokaJoka666: how long have you been in the rap game?
B.I.Detained: Ehh.. tis hard to narrow down but I've been writing small shit from an early age ever since I got a Slick Rick album. I started writing small rymes from about 13.. didn't do it for like 3 yrs then started going on rap sites in about late 2002. Just been doing text since then and the odd audio but my music ranges from rap-punk,soul-motown etc and so on. So I'm not only influenecd by rap.
SmokaJoka666: who are your inspirations?
SmokaJoka666: or more like it..WHAT are your inspirations?
B.I.Detained: Rap wise- I got people like Slick Rick,Big L,Talib Kweli,Mos Def,Brother Ali,Atmosphere. I chose this handfull because they more or less blow out the truth. Nothing hidden and I like that about rap. No bounderies and no b/s. Other musical inspirations come from english bands as Happy Mondays,The Smiths,Keane. I love a lot of bands..a lot of U.S. punk like NFG,Hot Rod Circuit... other bands include The Killers and I could go on forever.Ray Charles,Stevie Wonder,Shaka Kahn are the height of solo artsts which touched me.. not fondled :-) But as I draw from my own personal experieneces to write songs and shit.. my fam' are a big inspiration. For my band and my rap.
SmokaJoka666: nice you have a very varied taste in music...that's makes you a unique emcee
SmokaJoka666: now that we have layed the groundwork of your history...let's get to the present
SmokaJoka666: you had disappeared from the rap scene not long ago, and just made a return I'd say at least a month ago, correct?
B.I.Detained: Yup.. I went recording with my band for like 2 and a half months. & we're supposed to be releasing our EP in January. We have even got a promotional tour of 5 states in the U.S. so if any of ya'll like emotional rock/punk. Come see us. Sorry for the plug lol
SmokaJoka666: ahhh that's nice...what's the name of your group?? (and I have an EP coming out in 1 week 6 days from now...chea!)
B.I.Detained: We are called A Victim's Romance. We are made up of 2 guitarist,bass,lead singer and are auditioning a drummer. Our first song has already gained interest which we're made up about.. Its music for all really.
SmokaJoka666: You a guitarist?? if not...what do you do in the band?
B.I.Detained: I play bass. Learnt five months ago.. was very tedious but now I'm playing very complex bass lines and influencing all of our new songs. My mate who plays in another band was taught by a guy who jammed with Bob Marley.. so I've got a lot of people around me who can only make me doper than I am. The drummer who recorded drums for our EP is in a hardcore band called Beecha. they'll be in the U.S by march. they're signed and there albw got five K's in Kerrang. They aren't my cup of tea but I appreciate what they do.
SmokaJoka666: aight coo how do you feel about K.L.L.?
B.I.Detained: I'm in two minds. I got out of LLL and the RMBL coz I was bored. RV was being slated so I thought I'd give it a try as all other sites are boring me. & it aint as bad at all.. there are some cool peeps. K.L.L has the potential to be good. It just needs people to speak there mind in voting and don't just follow the grain of familiar "good battlers". If people speak their mind more.. it'll be a lot better. With your inclusion running it its a very smooth ship.. points systems cool. Talent wise its average.. but as Rv eveolves I can see it being pretty dope. Just gonna take time.
SmokaJoka666: that's a good way to look at it...well you made battle of the week this past week...which is stated earlier in the mag...although you felt you didnt also have an LW Title match this do you feel about these two facts?
B.I.Detained: When I say I didn't try I'm not being the typical egotistical textcee, I'm just saying I need to be motivated to battle. I need someone to diss me before hand.. so I have an incentive to mock them. & contrary to popualr belief Socrates is a cool guy over aim.. he takes advice which helped him up his game in our battle. Its also cool to get a LW title match as it makes me want to win. It isn't the be all and end all but at least its an incentive.. naw mean? & I know Efusive ain't all that bad so it should be a good match up.
SmokaJoka666: yeah I've talked to Socrates as well..he's pretty coo
SmokaJoka666: aight..I'm about to shot you two things and you say which is better
B.I.Detained: shoot
SmokaJoka666: Triple N vs. God
B.I.Detained: Honestly? I have no clue. Unless its God from Rb. I gotta go for him.
SmokaJoka666: Feeble Minded vs. Chrit
B.I.Detained: Chrit.. as Feebles wordplay has got outta hand. Chrit just gets to the point.
SmokaJoka666: RBL vs. LLL?
B.I.Detained: Top 30 RBL Vs. LLL. Vote= RBL
SmokaJoka666: mustard vs. ketchup
B.I.Detained: Gotta be mustard!! that lil bit of kick yo. But I'd choose brown sauce over anything.
SmokaJoka666: A-1 Steack Sauce vs. 57 Heinz
B.I.Detained: Now we're talking..Steak Sauce... close call..
B.I.Detained: these are all rappers on RV right?
B.I.Detained: lmao
SmokaJoka666: oh..lmfao..I went off subject
SmokaJoka666: oh concludes our interview...good to know your past...pretty interesting actually
B.I.Detained: N/p... Now all of K.L.L. Up your game!!! or be prepared to be raped.
SmokaJoka666: *cuts off video tape*
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