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Old 10-20-04, 12:24 PM   #30
JackOfAllTradez's Avatar
From: Cali4nia

Voted For: Myth


u fucked up, cause now ya skating on thin ice like penguins
no food, starve u of a w, so ya wins won't grow like a gremlin
battling me why? kid ain't u stationed in the wrong hemisphere? *
fag? if we battled face to face he would show up in tennis gear
here's some advice and tips for ya, fear me like ya fear god son
pick run around in speedo's, masks and capes like batman and robin
u a bitch prissy with ya rhymes but they do seem a bit tacky
kid complains this ain't "fare" so he's trying to switch "taxi's"
u've been battling for years and years so u could gain experience *
ya purchased ya rhymes from value city when they went on clearance
receiving roses from men? ice pick the gay version of the bacehlor
punches are my ingredients to putting slits in ya body like a spatula
i'll do u a favor and open ya casket for ya like tales from the crypt *
str8, debatable? if u got a girl then my semens being mailed to her tit
dad? rumor is ya 24 yrs old so in that case i'm jacking, i'll rob ya son *
kid ya rhymes ain't accepted like white leagues rejected jackie robinson
Comments:well i think that you took this barely...i think that because your punches and metaphors were a lil better than that of ice picks

Wordplay - 5/10
Metas - 7/10
Vocabulary - 6/10
Structure - 8/10
Punches - 7/10
Opener - 7/10
Closer – 8/10
Personals – 8/10
Enjoyment – 6/10
Creativity - 7/10
Overall – 69/100

Emcee: Ice Pick


Myth i'll attack-ya-SENTENCE..noose ya' nouns and victimize-ya-verbs
subjugate ya' subjects..pulverized predicates you gonna die disturbed
all ya' lies-is-deferred with cries unheard as Pick tests-ya-nerves
liquify ya' rapz thru I-V'z so "Myth" can digest-his-words
your paperweight artillery can't go against my satanic torture tactics,
or mic grapplin, you ain't got shit on a verson of Aaron Carter battlin
You can shrink the faunt all you want and your shit still looks like fucked lines
Called me out , well the first 2 battles you ducked missed ya own check time
Stop Stunting...Dumb Prick...Wit One Cent ..Worth of Rap Flow?
Ask Who's Better Between Me And You?...I Get Picked Like a Afro
I slay emcees for the hell of it, and the death of you, is my next agenda
its a good thing this is only one round/ I don't wanna be a repeat sex offender
My Tactics Flip You Backwards Until Your Stutterin From Loss~Of~Words...
Being Alergic To Oregano And Eatin Pizza Was The Last Time I Lost~To~Herbs...
Think you hot it took fluidmoons chorus to help you make a name , consider that a gift
From what i've read your bull shit and wack, Ya Skills like ya name, Just a fucking Myth...

Comments: I just wasn’t feelin ya verse…it had some nice punches but I think you need to fix ya structure…then I would of thought you would of won…along with some harder metas…

Wordplay – 7/10
Metas – 5/10
Vocabulary -7/10
Structure – 5/10
Punches – 6/10
Opener – 6/10
Closer – 8/10
Personals – 6/10
Enjoyment – 5/10
Creativity – 6/10
Overall – 61/100

Vote disqualified for inadequate feedback. Please see this thread if you need help on what qualifies as an acceptable explanation.