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Old 10-21-04, 08:04 AM   #14
-The Shogun of the Dark-
archieDX's Avatar
Posts: 270
From: BADMANchester, england

Voted For: Pitt-Ball

Jrad: all hype and no swipe, you took to long to punch to weak
best line
Back the fuck up and go delete your account dude
Your punches won't work because I won't loose
worst line:
I think I'll claim my victory now while I have the chance
Cuz one punch from me will send you flying to france
a lil unessecary and very basic

best line
This herb Resembles Richochet coz he "Lacks Communication"/
Im so Ill i cause Sickness and poverty:Jus like Hiroshima Radiation*/
worst line
Ill Render this cat defensless like an organized scheme/
why would an organized scheme be defencless, if it was an unorganized scheme by all means

pitt, you won, barely i think if Jrad wouldve included more personals it could have went very differntly, but he didnt so he lost

"Power is NOTHING without control"

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