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Old 10-25-04, 02:14 AM   #4
Whyte Ave.
Light Weight
Whyte Ave.'s Avatar
Posts: 319
From: Ill Woods, E-Town

well since this guy aint showin, here's a shitty verse

I’ve taken a seat once again by his side
Three nights in a row now I’ve cried
Eyes not able to open, a struggle for each breath
The accident has him slipping in and out of death
Always together, where there was one, there was the other
Through thick and thin, we stuck together, he’s like a brother
It’s become so thick now, light has begun to fade
My optimistic thoughts have left, I’m so afraid

I put my hands together and put forth a prayer
Asking God not to put me through this despair
Seeing my best friend struggling I can no longer bare
His heart stops and his breathing ceases
My emotions break into a thousand pieces
All things must come to an end
But not the life of my best friend