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Old 10-28-04, 12:09 AM   #1
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007
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20 meter high sky rise building's tumbling down..
nothing but kaos, screaming and a rumbling sound..
vision's of desicion's causing conflict and havok..
no worrie's about being a convict see it you grab it..
if people try hold you back..grab a knife's and stab it..
car's colliding,bar's residing into illusion's of saftey..
people now relising all the mental pollution they gave me..
on my hand's and knee's ,not praying but begging god to save me..
head's turning to see bed's burning and saftey destroyed..
I think up a plan and gracly deploy ..a flare to the sky..
I see many poeple dieng ..i stand aware but cant do a thing..why?..
cause this is the end as we no it..
god is over our it's his time to show it..
the sky's raining concrete.. my body feel's weak..
one hit to the sight's gone bleak....

the end is somthing enevitable.
in 10 year's every invention..we gone be regreting it all.
so dont be afraid...just be expecting it yall....

awake outta my coma to see the first site of what's left over..
Thing's dont look I on x?,,,no im sober..
i relise im seeing seeing f8..
I think of fleeing..untill a voice say's."wait"..
I turn to see the description of the person's face..
I trip.. shit im hurt. i raise my hand up into the dusty sky..
the voice speak's and say's grab my hand trust me..
cause im here to take you to were you are spose to be..
The voice get's clearer ..I here it close to me..
the dust clear's..I feel trust fear's..
all of a sudden i have seen my fate..
I seen the greatest sight nowen to man..
I relise the hand is god's showen me the grand pearly
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