Thread: Wrong or Right
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Old 11-03-04, 01:44 AM   #13
Capital Punishment
Executing these herbs
Posts: 262

u see he just said who cares about rv money, well abviously u do since u reported it and also u d/r me and called me banks jr. and yea i am good at rap, u won do to d/r cause u posted the pic real big out of desperation, and here is the rest of the proof on him

CapPunishment11: if it's jusr rv money
CapPunishment11: why report it
Mo2v8ed4life: cuz I wanna nah layins?

^^contradict him self so damn much

and below is the bribing proof

Days Ago
Mo2v8ed4life: cuz I want to keep a undefeated record unless I really lost
QuickWitted12188: but it's only the net so it shouldn't matter
QuickWitted12188: u did lose, u didn't post
Mo2v8ed4life: so still, it doesn't matter
QuickWitted12188: so that counts as a loss
Mo2v8ed4life: man, I'll pay you 20,000 rv money to send PM lol
QuickWitted12188: hey i didn't make the rules
QuickWitted12188: lol, tempting
Mo2v8ed4life: do it
Mo2v8ed4life: you can get all my RV money
Mo2v8ed4life: 20,000
Mo2v8ed4life: lol
Mo2v8ed4life: plus interest
Mo2v8ed4life: you decide? lol
QuickWitted12188: not yet thinking, lol
Mo2v8ed4life: and I'll owe you futur, 10,000 debt
Mo2v8ed4life: what's yo bank account

D/R me
Mo2v8ed4life: jus sayin', are you Banks Jr.

ya'll can not sit here and honestly defend him, look at that shit, there's ya proof, he should have never offered, he said he don't care but tried to bribe me
SPul: 20,000/10,000 debt
Verbal Abuse: lied about not battling me in verse

4 wins - 1 losses - 1 ko

...A Legacy is born...
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