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Old 11-03-04, 04:51 PM   #45
Middle Weight
Posts: 407

well my old gf called me today shes away has been for a month,
and while she was gone i heard some shit about her that she fucked around or something i unno, we werent goin out then but still talking/fucking whatever so i confront her about it, so she denys everything as most people would, and i was like YOUR friends told me theres no point in lying, then slowly she started getting caught up. somethings were true and she said somethings werent, which i personally think were but cant really prove em. so i hung up, first told her i was gonna kill her n what not, there really is not much point to me writing this i unno i was just bored i guess but the things i hate the most are LIARS N CHEATERS.

kill the liars n cheaters.
I Will Fucking Rip You.
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