Thread: Startin To....
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Old 11-04-04, 07:19 PM   #1
Light Weight
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Posts: 206
Startin To....


I'm really startin to doubt the crediablity of sum of these mc's on here, I dunno honestly is everyone so brain washed they can only use a certain style ??

Or do sum people just not understand what wordplay is ? I mean I just want my 5 wins to get into the league I hate battlin in the Front Lines its nothin but herb's an herb votes for the most part..... thats why it definitly needs a change BAD

okay does someone not understand that this

Lemme pop ya ego, watch it dispurse
Kid's stuck in
Kindergarden, too scared 2 go first


Lemme pop ya ego, watch it dispurse
Kid's stuck in Kindergarden, too scared 2 go first

^ Infact its less stretched then almost 80% of the lines I see dropped in there for real I'm not even gonna say what battle this is from becuz I dont sway for votes it just really bothers me people can so dumb fa real tho like thas why frontlines on most sites have bad reps,

Like i drop a couple okay ( not saying hot ) concepts there cuz I dont really give er in the front lines ill save that for when im into the league an people dont understand them ? but they say the borin ol concepts i dropped are fresh lol

there should be a forum called "rap ed" for all these herbs
teachin concepts, wordplay, an different structures cuz obviously none of these kids ever battled on hype or RM cuz most of the talented mcs have defined their own style...

*takes deep breath* now that i got that off my cheast time to blaze a Jay who wants to hit it hah...
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