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Old 11-05-04, 08:22 PM   #56
Teknikal's Avatar
Posts: 97
From: D.C.(moved from Cali, and Cleveland)

You feel it comin'-hear your stomach bubblin'/
Tryin to get to the throne, you pushin' and shovin'/
You back up to the stall, your heart still thumpin'/
rip off your draws, let loose and start dumpin'/
Aint much else to do but wait/
You squeezin shit out, cause the walls to shake/
The occupants in the room scatter for air/
You release an atmosphere you shouldn't have shared/
Your stomach churns whenever you have the idea..
ya mawfucka...ITS DIARRHEA...

Next Topic: Viagra

..-Da R.I.P.-..
"..I'ma', remember.."

--Darkness Shines Bright--
|-([..Let The Records Show..])-|
Body Count: 91 Kills
Survivors: 16 Injured
Still Lost In Battle: 70 Knock Outs
In My Scope: --