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Old 11-07-04, 04:15 AM   #7
Banned: Spamming
Mc_BaD_bOy's Avatar
Posts: 405
From: in a county

Voted For: Torch

had pucnhes came alright had stture like always copule of personals there nice verse man it was good had no speeling mistakes anufther good thins had pucnehs that hit n landed well nuttin hardly wrong with that verse i gotta say

~*Legend*~ -
had some pucnhes came ok had a try at a personal there but didnt quite make it still was good tho a few spelling mistakes there
Originally Posted by ~*Legend*~
dont no wot it was supose to say but the rest was good

overall i gotta say it was a ok battle both came good but torch came harder i gotta say with pucnhes n personals and stuckture he won dis wasnt 1 sided but torch won dis this is gonna be a close battle i gotta say but torch got my vote
