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Old 11-08-04, 10:29 PM   #4
Posts: 1,072
From: Dirty Bean

a loss is in your future, but dont get upset man
creative? fuck no...
i predicted every one of his punches in my fucking check in
now sadly i must beat you & badly i must add
a winner?..
he's got the knicks in his avy & thats just bad
kids on my dick, so its easy to see im bound
that of course i cause trouble...
cuz kontroversy always seems to follow me around
kid gets pissed on more than the floors at a mcdonalds bathroom
and then he.....
tried to earn his stripes & ended up looking like a racoon
ur punches, if you want to call them that are so old and behind
bu ill get u the vet book on....
"how to quit putting quotes to emphsize a punch because i cant construct a decent one so people wont notice how wack i am"
.... followed up by "how not to bold and use funny signs"