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Old 11-09-04, 10:54 AM   #4
The Watcher
Terse.'s Avatar
Posts: 659
From: Cali

We aint evenly matched dawg, plus u gotta name thaz meant for jokes
so we cant go neck and neck...cuz yours is already against the ropes
wit tremendous quotes, i'm endin ya like a savage in battle
n while i'm airin out MCs, u jus air out bullshit like flatulent cattle
leave this amatuer rattled--i'm a true MC, uncanny wit the punch
but this pussy's knot...simply cuz he's got his panties in a bunch
bitch u lose too much, u'll jus git burned in my wake
wit slabs of beef,
..............i'ma beat sense into u, so u can learn from mistakes
dude cant even land a decent meta, he says fuck the symbolism
n it's ironic, how he falls apart cuz of constructive criticism
dude's fake on the net, i hope peeps dont think this dummy's a god
cuz he's really the type of nerd that gits slapped tryna study abroad
i'm jus tryna say that u aint shit son, u only came ta' front
n face it, u a pussy--ya better of changin ya last name ta' Hunt

*there's some kinda wordplay in each attention*