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Old 11-09-04, 08:02 PM   #36
For$akeN's Avatar
Posts: 5,924

Voted For: warrior

*murkage*: ummm....1st bar was a self-glorification line and not a good starter completely wack. 2nd bar was not all that great not really feeling the gun lines at all. 3rd= decent. 4th bar was like ummm.... a filler not great pretty played at all points both lines....overall: 3/10 blah i'm harsh what can i say

warrior: 1st bar was ish...nah mean pretty played changing peeps name like that atleast. 2nd= was whack as hell i don't want to be rude or anything i'm just saying it as it is. 3rd bar ummm....was probably your best line i was liking it a was ummm filler like...overall: 5/10

vote: warrior