Thread: Getting Signed?
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Old 11-09-04, 08:39 PM   #11
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

dont take rv so seriously. That way you will put more effort into your recording.Sit back and actually think logically about what local label's are possible for you to sign to.
The people who are using all thre shit on rv most proberly wont get signed to quickly.
Im recording with a couple guy's from my local. But I am yet to post any audio on rv. Simply because it is less important to me.
I would rather lock my shit down distibute it to a few company's then post a few in soundclick for rv to listen to.because no1 from rv can or will sign me, unless they offer me airfare's and a place to live. But who is gonna take that risk with some1 thru the internet???? So 70% a my time is recording and writing for local record company's, Then in a short while Ill let rv hear what i have to offer.
I may just record a few tracks especially for rv.
...(not to sure if im topic but...blaH
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