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Old 11-14-04, 01:24 AM   #45
La Cosa Nostra
Bangs like bikini attol
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by Meters
You guys care about RV tenfold more than we care about RB is your only advantage...but i think that's because the skill level is so mediocre that there is a lot of competition whereas at RB, there is a solid line between the kids who are dope and the ones who aren't and battling the same kids all of the time gets boring. It's hard to argue that RB isn't much more put together than this site, there's a feeling of sloppiness here. Once again, the people here seem to enjoy it which is good but there should be no illusions about the skill level. All of the skill you have high-tails for RB when they realize there isn't an adequate level of challenge on RV.

The part about kids on RB being net nerds is completely unfounded and a shitty way to avoid the truth of differing skill levels. Texting is just like anything else, some people are good at it and some people aren't. The ones who are good aren't automatically the gayest people ever, even if this is the internet...they just have an understanding of text.

Not that it matters, it's all the same in the end.

Alrite kid, for starters, the difference of skill levels exist simply because the kids at RB have been sitting on their asses texteeing for years. On your 'beloved' site the average member has a join date of April 2003, june 2002, july 2003, etc etc. And their skill level reflects that. How are you gonna say they lead a fulfilling life when theyve spent the last year or two on a website doing text battling and talking to their internet buddies..?

Wake up to yourself for fuck sake..
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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