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Old 11-14-04, 09:09 PM   #5
E Looch
Heavy Lies The Crown
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Posts: 2,073

put asteriks on ya name only way u be no.1 rv
see my name an u consumed in greed an ^ look wit no period is what u be
small font fits u all ya lines aint really noticed or read
tryna shine off ya lyrics should just let ya s curl grease do it instead
reasearch another disease shit wont work this week E endin ya streak
unoriginal every hour theres 3600 of u and u calim a.i.'s elite?
just try kidnapins its gonna be the only way u ever ran-som people
could own u bilingual puta...
...but slaverys illegal an yet still nobodys around u tryna mingle*
life pass before your eyes when ya electricity blacks out
never a ridah just a hitchhika in a bus stop only time u in a glass house*

*slaves couldnt talk to other people get it?
*glass house is and old school whip
* < those are asteriks by the way

i shouldnt have to explain this shit though

if u dont get the personals or anything else dont vote