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Old 11-16-04, 02:34 PM   #4
Black Poet
Posts: 1,474
From: London

When asked about my childhood I always invasion pain….
I attempted to disregard it,…. But I can’t removed the stain
The strain is unbearable,…. nobody can really comprehend
My mind & body was abused my way out was to transcend

Today I’m flying back,.... but psychologically I’m still grounded
My darkest thoughts are caged, with happy emotions surrounded
I haven’t been loved nor felt love, which is why I’m still haunted
The abuse I receive as a child has left my soul empty and taunted

I have to go back for a funeral,.. one of my friends has passed away..
The day I received the News I was lost and didn’t know what to say..
My minds now Derelict the foundations of my structure ripped down.
I drowned in a river of alcohol with the stream flowing from the town

My mind started to conjure up manifestations of that haunted house……..
I still hear the screams of my siblings as they was tortured and roused,…..
I remember being doused in human urine and beaten to death in this house