Thread: Vet?
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Old 11-16-04, 05:47 PM   #15
E Looch
Heavy Lies The Crown
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Posts: 2,073

let me even this up though

should listen to daz and calamity and quit changin 1 word on a letter to rhyme how simple is that?

Hault to all Cornish Ambitions Testify to your Truths Please Mr E Looch
Ya "Financial Income" comes From Vaginal Devouring it should be E Mooch
Technique never Duplicated,Cus Pussified Thread Duckers isnt in Preference
Strobe Pm'd me with Rv's Best of All time Vets And Looch wasent in Reference
Your Dna Cells Recognize your Falseness why is your BloodPressure187
Ya Perpetrateing Respected Veteran U look up 2 me like Ten Viewin Eleven
You Never Developed your Cash Collecting Tactics so your still on the Grind
Looch is never Heard Like Mimes No wonder hes a "Legend in his Own Mind"
One last Reminder stop with your Recycled Lyrics they are well Past Expirement
This Records as your 3rd Loss so Finally now you can go into Retirement

1st. my anme doesnt rhyme with mooch my name isnt louch clown me where strobe pmd u that? and i dont duck nothin
3rd. i dont look up to u who actually does?
4th.i never retired
5th. u rycled that mime line and who uses mime lines still?

heres some hints for u though

big vocab doesnt get u wins and changin 1 letter to rhyme is simple stop doin that and all your similies are old and played out son

listen kid
A Queer That Voted On my Battles Constently
think this is one of those things where you understand what your saying, but other people dont

^ even after it says if u dont understand dont vote

some people that are mods on here
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