Thread: complex issues
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Old 11-17-04, 12:20 PM   #1
New to RB
Posts: 32
From: Within my abstraction
complex issues


im a lyrical individual
rappin wit split personalities
cant get along wit myself no commonalities
get confused quick infuse the mental
bite hard wit my dentals
check the metaphor skin deep
beauty and eyes peep the sleep
complex concepts inefficient brilliance
a refrence to my conciense
double sided laws not abided
long leather chairs to be confided
emotions two sided fresh like trident
figure this one out clown
pound for pound its my nemesis
killin himself wit recklessness
on the other hand its all halos
watch how my flows glow in the borroughz
rectified my mind cant sleep
to deep to weep yesterdays what i seek
censored for fear (BLEEP)
theres a mad man runnin loose (on the street)
goodnight ma'fuckas just cant rest wit all this ruckus.......

That right there is a motherfucking keystyle......just like eveyrthing i write......dont critcize if you cant tell me what this shit right here is about!!! you fuckin want complex then tell me what this piece is about if you are so fuckin genious..............PEACE!
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