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Old 11-19-04, 05:00 PM   #12
Loveliss Grandz
Loveliss Grandz's Avatar
Posts: 521
From: BrOOklyN,N.Y.

Originally Posted by Hangar1ne
why cant white people call black people niggers??????????? racism is racism.......a white person cannot call a black (african american) a NIGGER you want to explain that one BOSS! express all you just sayin be more creative and try to not use those words......and i dont really care if ebonics is a n official language.........its an official language of those who are opressed and live in slums and tend to not live in the business world or philosophical or other areas of great stature......the only people making it on ebonics are badd rappers and dumb unless you categorize yourself as eiter any one one of those feel free to have at it BOSS!!!!!!!!

white people can do as they a black person a nigger and get ur ass whipped.thats how it goes because of wat's meant behind the word not the actual word itself.and i am from a place where thats how we speak and we are not ashamed of that.the same slum u reffered to,i live there.i became who i am today not thanx to corporate america and not thanx to philosophy.where i'm from it's survive or die.the street.and for your info. be glad for ebonics and every thing else that originated in the "slum".thats how corporate america(business world) makes most of it's money,by exploiting the same things that ur saying is so wrong.nigger,spic,chink,honkey,'s all the same.WORDS.
prime example:"Hip Hop" that was once a thing only dumb or bad people(STEREOTYPE) did but it inspired u to be on r.v. droppin if the slum and everything is so bad why r U even here my friend.i reffer to my self as a nigga' and it doesn't bother me.a white boy reffers to me ass a nigga' in a disrespectful way yeah i may fuk him up,but only because of what was behind the word that came out of his mouth.if it's all good it's all good.we can't keep blaming the utilization of one word ON IGNORANCE.and who r u to be tellin' me wat words to use anyway."BOSS", UR RIGHT.MY OPRESSED, SLUM ASS IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE THE BOSS BECAUSE I HAVE AN EDUCATION AND A DAMN GOOD RESUME.BEEN A BOSS SINCE I WAS 18.TOOK ME THREE MONTHS FROM ENTRY LEVEL TO GET THERE AND I AM THE BEST AT WHAT I DO WHICH IS WHY I CAN DROP OPEN MICS ALL DAY AND STILL GET PAID BUKU BUCKS TO DO SO.I STILL GO BAK HOME TO THE SLUM AND SPEAK EBONICS AT THE END OF THE DAY BECAUSE THATS WAT I DO,O.K........ BEING OPRESSED MAKES A MAN STRONG AND WISE AND ABLE TO FUNCTION FLAWLESSLY UNDER PRESSURE.THANK GOD,FOR THE SLUM HAS RAISED ME UP INTO THE MONEY MAKIN' NIGGA' I AM TODAY.NIGGA,NIGGA,NIGGANIGGANIGGA.HAHAHAHAHAHAH.
IM RICH BIOTCH................................

I'm like CHUCKy dyin' to live in the flesh free of the BATTERY,
ASSAULT n ROBBERY rapidly,wishin' cupid would clap at me
N lift this evil spell so I can experience happilly evil backwards-see(down there)
EVIL............backwards =............LIVE
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