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Old 11-19-04, 07:15 PM   #46
Master Minded
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 1

Taking your life is so stupid man, stupid and selfish, look, think of everyone you hurt, just so you can end your pain, you put so many others into the same pain. You wanna make your families life misserable and shit, cuz that's what suicide will do man, believe it or not man, but your familly needs you as much as you need them, just picture them trying to go on without you, man don't make your familly struggle like that, shit gets better, and no matter how bad it is, people always got it ten times worse, and with a butcher nife, you crazy man, damn that shit gonna be the most painful suicide damn, look we all thought bout doing it... commiting suicide, but it takes a strong person to fight it and keep on with there life, man your still young, don't fuck up your future cuz your life sucks now as a kid, trust me, I know a guy who's dad committed suicide, he walked into the basement when he was a kid and saw his dad dead, damn, he was fucked up for the rest of his life, he aint normal anymore, man you don't wanna do this to yourself or your familly, so take that "Dead out your user title and do the smart thing

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