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Old 11-20-04, 04:58 AM   #151
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

topic ;hero betrayal

Ever since day one you were allway's there,
taught me the meaning of living without a fear,
showed me there is a reason to provide care
took me by my hand and showed me the truth..
never kept secret's from me,never lied
allway's told me to put in more effort,when i didnt try..
but then you turned your back when thing's got tough.
how could you do taught."there's never enough"
your crack habit has turned vicious..
sold everything to support it..even our dishe's...
you told me to hold onto my wish's..
but now my only wish is...4 my hero to return.......


next topic..
-10 second's before your plane take's off to go to war-