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Old 11-22-04, 09:21 PM   #4
Posts: 2
From: 360 Olympia

Look At You! Spit A Verse Once..All You Rapping Is "Wackness"/
So Ima Leave ya 'Left-Eye-Missing' Like TLC The Day "The Accident-Happened!"/

Oldschool? Your OldSchool ...Your A "Student-Of-Mine"/
Let's Role Play For A Bit .. "You Winning?" What Are U.."Losing Your Mind?"/

Fucka Can't Even "Spit-Straight"..Give Em A "Quick-Eight"/
Becuz The Way This Looks..I Will Have To Hit um Till His Fucking "Wrist-Breaks"/

Yea Homey..You Nice? Your Like A "Near-Gay-Flanders"/
Plus You A Pussy! The Only People 'Waving-X' Is "Airplane Landers!"/Pussy=X..

This Pussy Scary Ass Fuck? You Flipping-No-Quotes!/
Thats Why The Only Time You Is 'Popping In The Hood' Is When An "Engine-Explodes!"/

And What? You Causing "Ruckus.".This Geek Goes "Unnoticed"/
Cause He Couldn't Get 'Shit Popping' Over Here..Filling Toilet Seats With "Explosives