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Old 11-22-04, 09:51 PM   #427
Hells Fire
Life is a Constant Battle
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Posts: 702
From: Minnesota
Cool College of Math and Science


Im tangent so you know no limit exists.
Algebraical to triginomics as biology to chemists
Your resiprical(opposite of a constant) is easy to fit or is one over this
under the scope or formula ill disect ya homo(homosapien)
Dueterostome you lack cephalization(complexity) in flow
If this was ph(scientist scale) you feel acid and base
Sting ya like Jellyfish Cnitocyst (stinging cells) feel paralysis of face
you lack logurhythm (log on calculator) and need proof to work the system
Mastered Calculus and Richtered(earthquake scale) hit u up on 10s
Professor of angles and nature, strike ya with falanges(finger bones) and pressure.
Feel the physics and reverse gravity feeling polar leave ya cavity.
