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Old 11-22-04, 10:13 PM   #428
rb's original
Posts: 45

any wall people try to set up i bust it down
destruction to its finest point when im around
my minds so twisted i dont know why i aint crazy
im rapping 24/7 im so good i can even flip a daisy
the rap auctioneer i can sell anythin thats worth nothing
twisting more rhymes around myself its even gutting
people clowning on me as if you gona dust a psyko
showing less mentality then a freaking crew member
stems cell so corrupted that i can even remeber
your dancing with a freak genius half ill half demon
still show strenght after a cyhper leavin niggers steamin
my skills know no bound and bust down roadblocks up ahead
any mother fucker tryin to get to me is the one left dead
The Fuck Are You?
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