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Old 11-25-04, 01:07 PM   #1
Posts: 434
NFL- Philly Eagles @ new york Giants (rival game)


1. State the following: "I (name) am placing $XXX. on this game, my account number is XXXXXX"

2. Once you post on a game you will be held accountable for your post and your wager.

3. You must poll who you voted for!!

4. Bet's will be closed before game, if they are not and it is passed game time do not place a bet.

5. If you win you will recieve your money within 24-48hrs.

6. If you lose you are responsible for paying your bet immidiately!! The account you pay your bet to is 35666

7. If you do not pay your bet you will be banned from the Casino and Strobe will get a weekly list of money owed! You will face further banning or suspending, this has his approval.

A full bet.

House Rules

Currently The Minimum Bet is $25.00
The Maximum bet per game is $1000.00
All bets must be in dimensions of $25.00, ($25.00, $50.00, $75.00, $100.00 etc..)
Originally Posted by DoContinue
oh yeah, by the way, ur totally a 10/10!! like, OMG... hottie!!!
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