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Old 12-02-04, 11:53 AM   #8
Only the Illist
Wickedclown's Avatar
Posts: 6,785
From: your worst nightmare

Voted For: M-Dog

aight yo this was a pretty tight battle yall... both of you came pretty hard and i gotta respect that... imma give ya my break down of things.

Wickedone- aight you had pretty tight flow, structure could use a little work (the ... kinda messes things up), punches and personals were there but could have hit harder. shit was a little creative and thats always good... heres ya best line :

A little late to the battle, either way I'll be the victor...
Strangle you with words resemblin friction of boa constrictors...

good opener there... overall imma give this verse a 5/10

M-dogg... good verse homie! not the best ive seen you do but it was good. had good wordplay and flow was tight. had good use of punches and personals, i like the whoring theme and shit, that was pretty tight... good creativity and wordplay, heres ya best line:

How can you have 'Fury'? ya change of names don't change the fact u still tame,
Ya lame ya rhymes like a 24/7 Migrane the pains always stayin the same,

great closer right there ^^^^^^^^... over all imma give this verse a 7.5/10

overall this was a pretty good battle... both of yall came pretty hard and ya gotta respect that shit... but in the end M-dogg wins this one. now no hate at all to Wickedone, ya came hard and did ya thing and i respect that to tha fullest but it was M-Doggs battle... no hate homie just the way i see it

good battle by both!!!!!!!!

VOTE- M-Dogg