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Old 08-04-02, 12:14 AM   #5
..A New Breed of Femcee..
DaGyrlRemarqabL's Avatar
Posts: 454

Aww Hazy Baby..
I really really really REALLY loved this piece..It said so much so simply..Just seemed like you were pouring ya heart out and it just happened to flow..

>dont get me wrong i like dat gurl.....she took our straight n steady n made it twist n twirl.....

Damn good.

>Slow n steady rins the race...with you seems we set our own pace
two years of boredom talk...seems t obe earsed like day old chalk

Similies n wordplay made this verse what it was too..

>kinda thought we had a good bond going.....if that was tru how comes its no longer showing...
your a shining star boy im not gonna be th eone to stop you from glowing......

such a sad note, but so good, at that.

Lovin this piece hazy..
Aint nuffin else to say.
S'all luv from me, gyrl..keep ya head on straight..
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