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Old 12-05-04, 06:55 PM   #5
Harold The Great
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Posts: 41

this aint a direct link...but it can be part of life of a homeless

he wasn't born a loser & use ta believe in hope..
until he became an abuser in need of dope..
his dreams have flown since he had to leave his home..
now he roams the streets alone.. bones shown through his skin..
a stranger in the mirror, confused view of him..
the image gets no clearer.. there's no excuse for him..
he swims in the juices of sin & stays wet with guilt..
pores filled with sweat & disease.. he bleeds regret when its spilt..
he's slept in filth.. along with the roaches & rats..
stays close to his bat when other homeless approach him to chat..
his clothes are crap.. & hold an atrocious odor to match..
knows he's not suppose to look back.. but does with sorrow..
cause yesterday was a better way & today is tomorrow..
his time is borrowed.. since his nose inhaled those lines of coke..
& prevailed over his state of mind.. until he relied on smoke..
as he cries, he chokes.. back the tears, he's done crack for years..
his voice of reason is speaking.. but the poison distracts his ears..
all he hears are his fears toying beneath the mixture..
of drugs, starvation & a concoction of liquor..
nothing stops him, he's sicker.. in desperate need of a fix ta..
feed his habit, damn it.. he's fiening for his alixor..
just then, he looks up & see's his picture.. stapled to a pole..
had to look twice.. since he was now twice as old..
12 years ago, he took his life on the road.. said he had to go..
he left in hurry with his mother left to worry..
as he scurried.. he knew she would miss him..
but he wouldn't listen.. he was just too stubborn & persistant..
i wish i would have done things different.. like convinced him..
he shouldn't go.. but i didn't though, i let him slip away..
& since that day.. i've been nothing but a slave.. to the toxin in my viens..
Lifes Author
"I pretty much said that" Ghostwriting Business is back in action

The Text Legend
Yes I'm great
Yes I still drink too much
Yes I fucked your mum .. but NO it wasn't good.

Real Tymerz
Remarkable like whiteboards .. BLUT BLUT BLUT!