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Old 12-06-04, 07:11 AM   #9
Gods Of War! -yeah im one
Dex's Avatar
Posts: 1,453
From: UK

Voted For: GKillaz05

Not really a close one this.

open: G: "Call yourself a dopehead cuz you rep my pic on your hat...
But when you spit you sound 'whack' like a baseball bat...".
I Liked this, meta use and it looked good. Sorry Joe, but i didnt want to hear about your balls. lol

close: G: "Movin Slow-Mo Im runnin' you over in my John Deer tractor...
Im leavin ya scared to battle me... like im your fear factor..." Also good, entertaining and used skill.
Joe, im not too sure what you were even goin on about there bro.

Joe: your best bit was about the punchbags but overall not a brilliant verse. Your vocab was good but no real use of personals and the punches were a lot weaker than GKilla's

GKillaz05: A good verse. Capable of beating many. The punches were real good, all landed and were funny, entertaing as hell. Good amount of vocab, overall a definate winner in this battle

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