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Old 12-06-04, 05:36 PM   #1
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015
Collecting Cans...


I obsess over meager meals, as my life only can progress through drug deals...
I supress hate as I wait, hope to scrape scraps from streets trash as I hope for returned mail from various appeals...

It's hopeless--my address? '#1 -the place where people recycle trash',
A life of success? What do you call selling aluminum cans being the only way I make cash?

Yes, I went to college; just another way to waste much-needed money..
What use is knowledge...scribbles on paper called 'degrees' are just a bee's honey...

I stole what I can; I begged for the rest--- no one gives a shit about someone who's homeless...
My stomach's never full; I ask for money, and people decline the request. I classify my food...each bite is like a life-risking move in chess.

They say someone else has it worse than you...each day for me is infernal---why the hell should I care about someone other than me?
This life seems eternal... will the afterlife be better...I have no guarantee.( would you like someone putting quarters in your coffee?)
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