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Old 08-05-02, 09:17 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
a thought on the future


one day ill get up the courage
to finally go and speak my mind
your infestation of me didn't work
and the perfect time i will find

and i will tap you on the shoulder
and nonchalantly you'll turn around
and ill scream at you for never giving me
the freedom i have found

and ill scream loud

ill scream untill my brain implodes
and until my vocal cords turn raw
ill scream out all the pain kept inside
from all the times you pointed out every flaw

and when i stop you'll look blankly
and wonder what cause this outburst
and ill start to cry and tell you
its because you never thought of me first

and ill cry streams

ill cry for myself and everyone
who has to feel the same way as i
for everyone who wants to turn to the world
and say their final goodbye

but ill stay alive for the same reason
to prove you that you were wrong
that i can fight away from the teathers
that kept me captive for so long
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