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Old 12-12-04, 02:24 PM   #19
Posts: 1,072
From: Dirty Bean

but it clearly says "SATURDAY NIGHT"

fucking bitches cheat to help themselves

our thread says saturday night, so were taking the win

the fucking mods on this site try to cheat for themselves every fucking day

fucking rascal dq's me from a tournament when he didn't drop...
i almos got cheated from my title one week when the bitch edits his verse


NO, i will not be screwed.. u should have made a thread that specifically says "WE CCHANGED THE DUE DATE"..

but u didn't... someone created a thread that says, maybe we should change it.

a maybe = nothing

so take ur loss like a man, cuz i could careless how bitchy a move this looks like...

i recorded a bs verse cuz it was due yesterdat, i have work that im leaving for in a few minutes, so i cant record again

so fuck you, we win