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Old 12-23-04, 01:37 AM   #4
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali

She was my best freind at first, a comfortable shoulder to rest my head
We shoulda kept us between us, and yet we listened to the rest instead
We will never know who caught the feelings first, a mystery till the end
But I know the exact second that all my feelings had rushed in
My dad had died and I found out while simply chillin at her house
I started cryin and she begged me just to simply let it out
I rested on her bed, bawling with no end to possibly be seen
She sat down on a wicker chair at the exact opposite of me
I saw her eyes tear up a bit, I threw my own selfish needs aside
I got up wiped my own salty droplets, and found a seat right beside
Took up my pride and found myself with my lips touching hers
And yet I washed away the shock with a flood of loving words
She looked up into the sky and uttered syllables I couldnt comprehend
And I believe thats the moment that my love for her begins

So we called eachother partners, told close friends whats up
Hold hands constantly in public and behind closed doors make love
It went like this for years, love turned into engagement, then to marraige
And not too long after we both decided to become parents
So we were the average perfect couple, left others envious
Thats when the flock of vulture like rumors began to circle us
Shes cheating this!, He's screwing that! came to no stop
So I suppose our own weakness was to blame, our own faults
That the night came that I walked home in a drunken stooper
With a horny mind, saw a hooker and decided I wanna do her
Bitch was cheap too, fucked for about an hour and then...
My wife drove by in a Volkswagen thats holding our kids...
It took me a minute to notice, how quickly she drove off angry
I shoulda jumped off the ho, but a nut was why i'm paying
Payed the bitch threw on my pants, and strolled home in disbelief
What the fuck am I going to do? Just claim it wasn't me?
Got home round midnight still a buzz was the main feeling
Opened the door to find what was a dead silent building
Walked up stairs, wiped away the sweat more then ready to face her dude
Took a deep breath cuz the distance was merely a pace or two
Opened the door smiling acting like aint shit happened
And found nothing but a blood stained floor and a napkin
Must I really explain what happened? Even as a drunk I can't lie
That the hardest part of my life will always be saying goodbye...

Well, my first is done....g'luck

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!