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Old 12-26-04, 11:44 PM   #8
George K.Stanza
Posts: 162

Do you think you could kill?
wrap your hands around a man's throat
choke and slowly steal his breath.
give death; it's the question we all ponder
but when an if you were put to the test
would you expect to honor saying yes?
play God become lost in a fit of rage
forget regret, the guilty thoughts,
cost of the step you'll take and make em' pay
cus to erase a face it only claims a sec
but can you evade the pain that stays
abreast when the stain is set?

Painted red -
a man’s fate upon my hands
faded hate lingers -
on crimson blades and fingers
its too late now because only Satan understands ...
plans to command pain instead of thinkin first
but it’s stinking worse - so awful, as it saturates my nostrils
inexhaustible this hostile taste...
that to the sane, plain, or logical remains implausible
yet’s made possible through a loss of grace

blah i didnt know the deadline
was in eastern time which
is why this didnt get a proper ending
oh well