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Old 12-26-04, 11:58 PM   #5
Whyte Ave.
Light Weight
Whyte Ave.'s Avatar
Posts: 319
From: Ill Woods, E-Town

Slashed cut and bruised, blood pours onto the floor
She’s been used and abused, treated like a whore
Wounds not seen, always covered by a sweater
He’s forgot, his promise to make things better
Never to hit and take out his anger upon her face
She’ll sit up until dawn, praying to leave this place
But she winds up staying because of the promises made
But he keeps displaying anger, and she prays for aide
A couple days go by and the relationship seems to be healed
But the wounds reopen, when his true character is again revealed
A night where drunken rage fills the inside of his head
No kisses when she arrives, but he hits her instead
By the end her eyes have been blackened shut
Sitting where she’s not seen, attends to her cuts
The bleeding stops, but the tears continue to flow
She finally realizes she should have left long ago

But she does not leave in peace, she seeks retribution
And decides to act out with a violent resolution
To all the pain she’s received, and grabs the gun
Puts it to his head, saying she won’t be outdone
Pulls the trigger and he crashes to ground
As blood pours out his wound all around
The sun rises and begins a beautiful day
She’s been set free, after a violent display

If we were God’s greatest creation why are we violent?
The devil embraced us, and he lives within us all silent
But he manages to escape
Coming in all sizes and shapes