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Old 12-27-04, 02:53 AM   #5
LyRiCaL GeEnUs
Da KiNg Of PwNaGe
LyRiCaL GeEnUs's Avatar
Posts: 730
From: GhEtTo

Figures flicker off alley ways, devious shapes move
Hideous pictures, peering from caverns and grooves
Lonely insecuritys walk cautiosly down dark streets
Eyes staring at the ground, briskly moving the feet
Stereotypical neighborhood, grafitti on the walls
With gangs prowling after hours, behind hidden falls
Homeless light fires, in trashcans to hold in warmth
Police sirens in the distance, provide calming of sorts
Hoardes a mice scamper, paws echo of the pavement
Screeches from car tires, hit and run for amazement
Shattered glass on the ground, spider cracks the panes
Bullets change directions, disillusioned with their aim
Water leaks from buildings, discoloring their surfaces
Forming puddles of rust on pictures of perfectness
Rap music from boomboxes trembles the heart
Vibrations slowly tear, natural rationality apart
A home to false impressions, with everything to lose
Type of scenes you see, so often depicted on the news
As this lonely neighborhood, gloomy as the gallows
Fear and dangerous stereotypes, lurking in the shadows